Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Dancing is...

It's back! Last year we were polling our students with "I dance because..." and having them write their answers on our dry erase board. We got to read some wonderful answers and have each one's picture taken to then share through social media.  Because this past recital celebrated 15 years of dance at ATD, all the pictures were printed and on display at the auditorium.

This year we've decided to try a new question. We'll be asking the kids to fill in the blank of "Dancing is..."

We're looking forward to seeing all of the creative answers again this year!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

with comfort comes stories

Proof we're settled into the routine of the year and students are becoming more comfortable with their teachers and classmates...we're now seeing more of their personalities :-)

little L: "Um, miss Lindsay?"
L: "yes?"
little L: "I love ballet dancing!"

L: "Shrug your shoulders like this. 'I don't know?'"
M: "Yeah, like when someone farts... and you don't know who farted."

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Welcome back!

We are 3 weeks into our 16th year already and our dancers are doing better than ever. We never got all the way to 200 but we were pretty close with 198 at one point!

We have a lot of new faces at the studio and all are already thriving. Several of our former students are back and excited for another year of dance! (One even told us she couldn't sleep the night before her first day back, she was so excited!) Wow!!

We're getting ready for our fall fundraisers: Jumpy Monkey coffee and Scentsy. Before you know it we'll be celebrating Halloween and showing off all of our awesome costumes! Time really does fly when you're having fun and EVERY day is fun at ATD :-)

We love our students & their families. Truly the best around!

Here's to year 16!