Tuesday, March 22, 2016

solid advice

discussion about boyfriends tonight during preschool tap

M: "I have a boyfriend."
L: "Oh you do? That's great! Is he a nice boyfriend?"
M: "Yep."
L: "Good. You don't want a bad boyfriend."
M: "Right! If I had a bad boyfriend I'd just exchange him."
ya gotta do, what ya gotta do.... :-)

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

toys for all!

As we were practicing our ballet moves across the floor, and pretending for the night that the dance room was a mall, we decided one of the stores we needed to visit was the toy store. The girls were told they could choose as many toys as they wished as they glissaded across the floor and M (one of our 4yr olds) pipes up and says, "I have a baby in my tummy so I will need LOTS of toys!"

Good to know she's planning ahead! :-)