Wednesday, January 27, 2016

2016 brings 15!

Another new year of dance is in full swing and we couldn't be more thrilled! We've been so busy dancing, there hasn't been as much time for blogging....whoops.

This year we started our "I dance because" board. Each student will have a turn to write their answers on the board, have their picture taken & shared with social media. We've gotten an overwhelmingly positive response and each day nearly every student asks to write on the board!

We're going to compile all the pictures and have them on display at this year's recital (our 15th!!!) - can't wait!!

Of course there's a Tuesday tidbit from this week:
C: "I can lick my belly button!"
L: "That's great! I'm happy for you!" :-)

(the talent of our students never ceases to amaze)